Bashar: The Council of 13 and The Crystal Skulls

In this blog post, we would like to share the highlight video of the Bashar channeling about crystal skulls, with a transcription. The transcription has some minor edits to improve readability. At the end of the transcript, we share the link where you can purchase the full original video from the creator.



Good day to you this day in your time, how are you all? Alright, alright, thank you once again, we thank each and every one of you individually and all together collectively for the opportunity to interact this way with all of you. It is a great gift to us.

We will begin this transmission with what we have titled “The Council of 13 and The Crystal Skulls”.

Now we know there has been much speculation and much mystery surrounding the idea of these crystal skulls that exist on your planet, and to some degree that is part of the point of mystery that they are keyed to the genuine skulls the original skulls the ancient crystal skulls are keyed to the very idea of opening the doors to mystery of exploring the unknown. They act in a sense as trans severs, translation objects, to bring higher frequency energies from other realms down into your realm, and are translated through those that interact with them through the filters of your belief systems, and in certain ways, but generally speaking put you in touch with many mysteries that lie in the unknown, in other dimensions, other realities, other civilizations, and even other levels of your own consciousness. 

Question: Hello Bashar, when I use crystal skulls and particularly the ones I’m using in meditation, I merge my physical ears, eyes, and nose with that of the crystal skull energetically, and when I feel a merge then I can work with the skull as if I were working with my own psycho biological processes.

Answer: Yes, that’s why we said it can reflect your own personality structures so that you can work with it in that way. That’s why it acts as a blank simulacrum to take on the form of whoever is working with it, so you can begin to literally identify with it. It is the skeleton key permission slip for all human personalities. 

That’s amazing. Yes it is, I noticed working with other people and myself that when people are gazing into the crystal skulls there are scenes of nature, of civilizations, of ET activity, all kinds of things. It’s holographic, whatever the watcher needs to see is what the watcher sees. So if I’m looking for perhaps a timeline that I can access that is the most positive timeline given my point of reference of being now, yes I can use the crystal skull as a permission slip for that.

Yes, if you wish. 

And then, how can I further use that to access that timeline to bring it closer to myself?

You know the answer to that, because it’s the formula we give all of you: “Follow your passion to the best you can, with no insistence or assumption as to what the outcome is supposed to look like”.

That’s the formula, that’s why we give it to you. It is also the master key that’s the breakdown translation of the energy that you’re talking about experiencing, with the crystal skull as a holistic experience. We break it down into actions for you, since actions are the language of physical reality. One is a translation of the other. 

Yes, make sense makes sense, thank you!

You’re welcome, does that help you?

Yes, anything else I noticed in my life process whenever I am at a critical point in moving through into a new phase of a project.

Yes the skulls seem to know this, and I say not that the skulls quote-unquote know it, hmm it’s that you are linking with them in a way that you allow them to reflect to you that particular shifting moment more clearly.

There is a sense that they’re more than just a reflection and amplifying device for that, but that there’s some sentience there it doesn’t mean that there isn’t, just because something is sentient in its own cognizance, in its own right, in its own self-awareness, doesn’t mean it’s the same kind of experience that you experience when you talk about your consciousness. 

One of the aspects of its sentience, too, is to be a reflector, so it’s a very powerful one, but that’s part of its sentience. When we say it doesn’t mean that they know it, we mean they don’t know it in the way that you think of things mm-hmm it’s innate within their matrix, it’s an aid within their structure, within their very existence, that they reflect these things as part of their self-awareness.

In other words, they become you, and you become them.  In their experience, there’s no difference. At that point, in those moments, there is a total vibrational harmonic blending, so it’s not that they have to know it in the way you know things. They just have to be it, in that moment, because that’s what they are. They are reflectors, and in that way they’re innately co-creative with us. Yes that is an aspect of their sentience too, that’s very different from human sentience too. 

Well, I’m very personally excited about possibilities here thank you so much, thank you!

Disclaimer: The above text is a transcript of the highlights video that was shared on the “Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka”  YouTube channel. We made some minor edits to improve readability.  The full and original content can be purchased here:

Bashar Crystal skulls



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