The Crystal Skull Shop

The best Brazilian Crystal Skulls for sale,
straight from the source!

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Buy Crystal Skulls for Sale

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What makes us different?

We are crystal skull guardians ourselves and have been selling crystal skulls online since 2007. Five years ago, we moved to Brazil, to be closer to the source and the workshops of the best Brazilian crystal skull carvers. We hand-pick all our skulls directly from the carvers, paying them honest prices. It is our mission to connect crystal skulls with their new caretakers, and help you buy the perfect Crystal Skull.

What our customers say

Crystal skulls for sale

Amazing Skulls from the Home of Gorgeous Crystals

When it came time for me to find a perfectly stunning skull, it was easy to choose the Crystal Skull Shop as my provider! Ivo worked with me to deliver a stunning, rainbow-filled smokey quartz master skull for my council…and at a very good price. Shipping was faster than expected and Ivo was wonderful to stay in touch until it arrived safely! Easy purchase, recommended to you!

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Crystal skulls for sale



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Gia Qamar

Crystal skulls for sale

Pure Energy!!

I ordered my first “Ivo skull” on 12/12/22…I knew that was going to be the beginning a wonderful vendor/client partnership and now, over 15 skulls and dragons later, I was right. The quality of the skulls and dragons that Ivo offers is exceptional. The customer service and information he provides is remarkable.

Skulls are important in my energy work, and these come loaded! Goosebump-inducing energy that radiates from within the package and does not diminish. I’ve uploaded a sampling of the skulls I’ve bought from him, but the photos just don’t do them justice. The photos do not truly catch all the shimmer and shine and at times glow from the skulls. Giving 5 stars is not enough. A definite 10 in my book on quality, customer service, product knowledge, attention to detail, and overall PURE ENERGY!

Maira R.


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